
See my dedicated outreach webpage

High School Outreach Talks

Since 2015 I have delivered over fifty outreach & extracurricular talks to secondary school and primary school students in the UK and US. 

A selection of the handouts I have used in these talks can be viewed here.

If you would like me to speak to your students, in person or via Zoom - feel free to reach out!

High School Physics Newsletter

Between 2016 and 2021 I organised, produced, and edited a physics newsletter aimed at students aged 15 to 18 to at my old high school (a non-selective state comprehensive school). 

Archived editions of these newsletters can be viewed here.

Twitch Livestreaming

During 2021, I  hosted regular physics live streams via Twitch.  These sessions included; a weekly 'Physics & Maths Office Hours' where I would take physics questions from a live audience, a weekly 'Saturday Spacewalk' where I delivered a prepared lecture on some aspect of astrophysics (pitched at the beginning undergraduate level), and the more informal weekly  'Mario Kart & Physics Chat'.

Recordings of these livestreams can be viewed here.